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Tap water in Vaasa is safe to drink

Finnish tap water is ranked among the cleanest and safest in the world. It has scored higher in purity than bottled water. The secret behind the quality of Finnish tap water lies in the country's natural resources. Finland has thousands of lakes and a vast network of groundwater sources, which provide the basis for tap water production. The country's strict water protection policies, regulations and quality standards for water cleaning ensure the purity of the natural water resources as well as the tap water.

Valued water

The water supply network in Vaasa is well maintained and monitored and can ensure the safe distribution of the drinking water. Tap water in Vaasa is also very affordable, for the price of a bottle of soda you can have 1 m3 of drinking water transported home to your kitchen.

Public water posts

During summer public taps are also available for thirsty citizens and tourists to fill up their bottles for free during their day out. You can find a map of the water posts here >>

Monthly water quality report (in Finnish) >>



Sms alerts service

Vaasa Water has taken an sms alerts service into use. The service will be used for sending disruption alerts and in our customer services.

Disruption alerts are automatically sent to residents in Vaasa over the age of 16, whose telephone numbers and addresses are public. If you don’t have a public telephone number, but you wish to receive messages, you may register for the service. You can register more than one address, such as the address of your workplace, summer cottage or a close relative. 

Most alerts are sent in Finnish, Swedish and English.



Prepare for a power outage

As a critical actor for the security of supply, water supply services are aimed at keeping outside the so-called areal power outages. Even so, avoid using water half an hour before the power outage begins and during the outage, so that sewage water flows don't load down the wastewater pumping stations too much.   

Preparation is an essential part of the water supply service operations. We maintain a high level of preparedness to react quickly on different threats that may rise against the operations. At the water works and at the clean water pumping stations there is backup power available, therefore the water distribution functions during power outages, though variations in water pressure may occur.

In the Vaasa area there is roughly 130 wastewater pumping stations that don't have access to backup power. During the areal power outages, the wastewater pumping stations in the area will stop functioning. To avoid wastewater ending up in the basements of properties, in waterways and in the terrain, we ask to avoid water use during the power outages, such as showering, bathing, washing dishes and clothes and flushing the toilet. If the property has its own sewage pump, water use during the outage may cause the sewer to overflow.


Remember this during power outages and when you are saving electricity:

  • Avoid using water half an hour before the power outage begins and during the outage
  • Make sure the temperature in the water meter space does not sink below 0 °C and allow for the water meter to freeze. Properly isolate water and sewer pipes, the water meter as well as doors and windows in the water meter space. Cover any ventilation hatches.


Check your own level of preparedness also when it comes to water:



Deep ground water from Kurikka

Finding freshwater sources in costal areas has always been challenging. Vaasa takes it's water from Kyrönjoki river, but due to the frequent changes in water quality, the process of cleaning the water is both difficult and costly. 

To provide a growing city with clean tap water in the future, Vaasa Water has begun looking for new freshwater sources. One such source, which shows promise, can be found 70 km:s away, near the town of Kurikka.

When drilling for ground water in Kurikka, geologists discovered massive renewing water reserves deep down, in what today is estimated to be some of the oldest valley structures in the whole world. Brittish geologists have taken interest in the project and helped create a water monitoring system.

Below is a video made by BBC World Services that explains it all.



Read more about it here >>


Päivitetty 18.10.2024