register for sms alerts | Vaasan Vesi
Vikailmoitukset työaikana 06 325 4187 | työajan ulkopuolella 040 725 7900

Register for sms alerts about disruptions in the water supply

You can receive text messages to your mobile phone and/or e-mail or as voice messages to your landline.

Disruption alerts are automatically sent to residents in Vaasa over the age of 16 whose telephone numbers and addresses are public. Telephone numbers and addresses are mediated directly from mobile operators by the company (F24) providing the sms-service. Information is updated on average once a month.

Register for the service, if

  • your phone subscription is unlisted, prepaid or registered to a place other than your residence
  • you have prohibited your operator from disclosing your number/address
  • you want to receive text messages directed to several addresses (e.g. work, a close relative etc.)
  • you live elsewhere than in Vaasa 
  • you want the messages sent to your e-mail

registration instructions are under the form.


How to register for the service

  1. Fill in your telephone number (in format 0401234567) and/or your e-mail address as well as your name in the fields provided, then click the Send PIN code button.
  2. You will soon receive a four-digit PIN code via sms and/or email.
    If you entered a landline number, you will soon receive a call listing your PIN.
    Fill in the PIN you received in the field provided then click OK.
  3. Click the Subscribe button.
  4. Fill in the postal codestreet namehouse number (not apartment number). Notice autofill. Click the Subscribe button next to the chosen address.
  5. Check the information you filled in and click the Exit button to confirm the registration of your address information. Click Subscribe if you wish to register another address. From now on, you will receive messages the way you have chosen.


Please note that you can register more than one address, such as the address of your workplace, summer cottage or a close relative. Also note, that Mustasaari (Korsholm) has it's own water supply company. Make sure your address is within Vasa Waters service-area. PIN-code delivery may linger, we ask for patience. A received PIN code can only be used once.


Keep your contact information up to date

If your address or phone number changes, you can update your information by refilling the registration form and retrieving a new PIN.


Cancel the sms alerts

Using the registration form you can also cancel the text messages and delete your information from the register. Do as follows:

  • follow steps 1. and 2. in the registration instructions
  • next to the right address, click Unsubscribe


Data protection

The sms alerts service is provided by F24. When registering for the service you give consent to F24 to collect your personal data (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address). The personal data stored in the register is not used for anything other than text messaging. The data is not passed on and it can only be accessed by people authorized to operate the text messaging service. Vaasa Water´s customer database is not used to collect personal data. 

Data protection policy >>


Problems registering?


The cookie settings in the different web browsers can cause trouble when ordering a PIN code. Make sure your web browser allow third-party cookies.

How do you know if your telephone number is public?

Fill in the registration form and order a PIN code. If your number and address are public, your address will instantly show. You can then press the Exit button or if you wish to add another address, press the Subscribe button.

Help is available

If registering fails, we can perform the registration on your behalf. Send in your name, telephone number and/or e-mail address as well as your home address (or several) to the e-mail address below. As subject, write ”Sms alerts”.


Päivitetty 13.12.2023