Vikailmoitukset työaikana 06 325 4187 | työajan ulkopuolella 040 725 7900

 Photo: Christoffer Björklund

Sms alerts service

Vaasa Water uses an sms alerts sevice. The service is used for sending disruption alerts and in our customer services. You can receive text messages to your mobile phone and/or e-mail or as voice messages on your landline.

Disruption alerts

We mainly send disruption alerts, meaning messages about disturbances that affect water distribution. As a resident you may receive a message if e.g. the water distribution suddenly has to be cut off at your address or if we are forced to cut the water supply because of planned maintenance work. When we repair leaks, you will receive an alert instantly when your water is cut off. You may receive such an alert in the middle of the night.

Crisis alerts contain information about water contamination, and we inform you if the drinking water has to be boiled at your address or if a total ban on tap water use prevails. Crisis alerts are sent 24/7.

Customer messages

Vaasa Water may send individual text messages to their customers, e.g. call requests.


Register for the service

Disturbance alerts are automatically sent to residents in Vaasa over the age of 16, whose telephone numbers and addresses are public. If you don’t have a public telephone number, you may register for the service. You can register more than one address, such as the address of your workplace, summer cottage or a close relative. With the registration form, you can also remove your information from the service if you do not wish to receive messages.


Most alerts are sent in Finnish, Swedish and English.

The service is free of charge and we never ask for money or personal data in our text messages nor add pay links. Any links we send always lead to our website and are written in the format https:\\\page name.


Päivitetty 08.01.2025